Thursday, November 1, 2007

Interpretation of the Unit's Logo

The unit’s motto is “INNOVATOR” which denotes creativeness, resourcefulness and a unit with new ideas, consist of principle or a change for the best. The Battalion envisions multi dimensional approach in accomplishing its mission. New methods and modification of doctrines could be adopted to defeat the enemies of the state, and be of service to God, country and people.

The 63rd Infantry Battalion logo/seal contains the following:

SHIELD – represents the role of the Battalion in protecting the people from lawless elements and those who undermine the security and the integrity of the state.

THREE STARS – represents the tree main island groups of the Philippines; Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, where the 63rd Infantry Battalion can be deployed.

a metallic weapon used by patriotic Filipinos in their fight against tyranny and oppression in order to attain independence.

63 – the numerical designation of the Battalion as an Infantry unit of the Philippine Army.

INF BN – simply states the type and size of the unit.

INNOVATOR – the word implies creativeness, resourcefulness, a change for the best, providing something new, unique and indelibility.

The SHIELD is colored light green which symbolizes fertility and richness of the natural resources of the country. The numerical designation 63, the letters INF BN and the BOLO are colored white which represents sincerity in serving God, country and people. It also symbolizes purity of intentions of the Battalion. The handle of the BOLO is colored black usually made of/from carabao horns, represents the resourcefulness and ingenuity and audacity of the Filipino soldier. The BORDER of the shield, the miniature STARS, and the word INNOVATOR are colored gold, this represents the excellent performance to be rendered by the unit in accomplishing its assigned tasks/mission.

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